Get The Look: A Cement Tile Rug



A Rug You Can’t Ruin

Here’s another look we discovered on Houzz. It’s not a new look — in fact since the invention of cement tile, their patterns have been used in private homes and public buildings to bring in the color found in woven rugs and avoid the inevitable wear and tear.  Many of the patterns in our Echo Collection have coordinating border tiles that can create the look of a rug. We especially like this look for just inside the front door, in bathrooms and on outdoor spaces. And, though you may be well aware of the beauty of Granada Tile’s cement tiles, unless you’ve walked on them in bare feet, you may not be aware of how they feel. Various customers have described them as “soft”, “silky” or “feeling like velvet”. But don’t take our word for it, experience it for yourself! And, as an added bonus, our cement tiles are long-lasting and easy care. Given that their colors go down into the tile (unlike ceramic or porcelain tiles, where the design is painted on the surface of the tile), they’ll retain their beauty for years and years to come.

Not sure which of our many patterns to chose? Our staff is happy to help you pick the perfect cement tiles for your project. We think you’ll fall in love before the grout even dries.








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