12 November 2021

How is Foundation Repair Work Done in Colorado?

Foundation forms the basis and strength of any suitable construction work and hence its importance. But as it is for most things man-made, the foundation might come out faulty with time. 

Although the root causes might turn out to be either natural or man-made, the effect tends to lead to the same result, which is a failure of the building and, eventually, its collapse. 

With an estimate of 25%, homeowners in the U.S are likely to suffer foundation and structural damages in their lifetimes, with 5% enduring significant problems.

This article will detail signs of foundation problems, causes of foundation problems, the average cost of foundation repair, primary foundation repair methods, and preventions specifically in Colorado. Our company specializes in foundation repair Denver Colorado. Visit our website at https://denverfoundationrepairspecialists.com/

Signs of Foundation Problems:

The major signs of foundation problems can be categorized into two significant warning signs, the exterior and the interior.

Interior Warning Signs:

These are warning signs visible to the owner and can be observed without sophisticated equipment or gadgets. Some common interior warning signs are:

  • Cracks in floor
  • Bulginess on the floor
  • Misalignments in the doors and windows
  • Cracks in sheetrock

Exterior Warning Signs:

These signs can hardly be observed by mere eyes. They are often observed by the use of equipment and gadget invented for such purposes. Some of the standard exterior signs are:

  • Displacement in moldings
  • Cracks in bricks
  • Crack/Brokenness in the foundation
  • Rotation of walls
  • Separation around doors and windows

Are Foundation Problems Common in Colorado?

Foundation problems are becoming more common in Colorado, most rampantly in the Denver area, and these facts can be attributed to many factors.

Causes of Foundation Problems:

Foundation problems are caused by several natural and man-made factors. The reason for the vast majority of damage is usually water or natural disasters.

Some of the significant causes of foundation in Colorado, as observed over the years, can be categorized into natural and unnatural causes; Some natural causes include: earthquake compromised structures, flood compromised structures, extreme seasonal changes, storm compromised structures, and drought compromised structures

While some unnatural causes are expansive clay, plumbing leak beneath a home, improperly compacted fill soils, poor drainage.

Cost of Foundation Problems:

Not considering the actual cost of foundation problems in the sense that the building might be lost or need to be demolished, many foundation problems might need urgent repairs, which accounts for a lot of money. 

Considering the state of Colorado, the average cost of foundation repair work depends on the amount of damaged area, accessibility to the damaged area, and the method of repair

According to manta.com, after putting all these factors into consideration, the average cost for an average foundation repair job in the city of Colorado is roughly between the price range of 3,000 U. S dollars to 5,000 U. S dollars and are dependent on the following factors:

  • 5.00 to 9.00 U.S dollars per square foot material costs.
  • Average labor costs to repair house foundations in Colorado Springs, Colorado.
  • Average costs for materials and equipment for foundation repair in Colorado Springs.
  • All project costs (surface preparation, components, and machinery) and cleanup fees.

Foundation Repair Methods:

  • Piering and Underpinning

Piering, also called hydraulic jacking, is a repair method where steel posts are driven through the unstable soil. The hydraulic jack is used to raise and stabilize the foundation’s concrete slabs affected by the change in the underlying soil. 

The slabs must be raised carefully to avoid more unnecessary damage. Piers used for foundation repairs can be sub-divided into five different types, based on their shape and structure:

Helical Steel Piers: These types of piers are also called anchors. These piers are threaded into the ground to a predetermined load capacity, and the weight of the structure is transferred from the soil to the piers. 

Helical steel piers are used when conditions prevent the use of other types of piers. Helical piers are ideally used for repairing lightweights’ concrete slabs and beam foundations. They can also be used to secure new foundations.

Steel Piers: Steel piers are permanent foundation repairs solutions. They are strong and can be driven as far as 100 feet below the ground. Steel piers provide increased stability to foundations.

Pressed Concrete Piers: Pressed concrete piers are durable foundation piers driven as deep as 12ft below the ground into the foundation to achieve stability. They are used for interior, and exterior repairs and are often installed to beam houses.

Poured Concrete Piers: Poured Concrete Piers are piers driven deep, as far as 10 feet below the ground. An average of 7 to 10 days is required for a poured concrete pier to be successfully installed. Poured concrete piers make use of precast segments at installation.

Belled Concrete Piers: The bottom of the pier of a belled concrete pier has a bell shape foot designed to provide a comprehensive support area for the pier.

  • Leveling

Leveling is a method used to lift sinking or uneven concrete, also called mud jacking. Slab foundations sink when the soil beneath them shifts or collapses, and it leaves space below. The concrete is then lifted by drilling 2 holes through the concrete foundation and into the space below. A solution of natural elements, soil, and cement is injected into the space, thereby filling it. As the solution expands, the slab is then raised back to place.  

  • Crack repair

Cracks in foundations are repaired by patching the cracks and covering them with a waterproof masonry sealer. Some commonly used crack sealers are vinyl concrete, epoxies, hydraulic cement, silicone, and polyurethane. The type of crack sealer used is dependent on the severity of the crack.

Choosing the Correct Method for Foundation Repairs:

The cause of the distress must be determined before choosing the best repair method. Moldings and trim boards, mortar joints in bricks veneer, and low windows are often common signs of taking note of as distress signals. It is essential to choose not only the best but most efficient method of foundation repair method.


Foundation repair work is an essential job in Colorado today as the factors causing foundation problems are becoming more rampant today. Early detection of the signs of foundation problems has proven to be life-savers in different circumstances. 

It is important to note that foundation problems usually occur over long periods and are not instantaneous, so there are few emergency cases. There are signals around your building that may or may not be foundation problems, but it’ll never kill to do routine checks. 

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