Why Replacing Ceramic Tiles With Concrete Tiles Has Changed the Game

man discussing tile design

Replacing ceramic tiles with concrete tiles will change the way you build spaces. Interior and exterior designs with tile accents are trendy, but the installation and upkeep of non-cement tile options can be a huge turn-off. Cement tiles carry a long list of benefits over other alternatives. Learn about ceramic tiles, terracotta tiles, and saltillo tiles then discover the tremendous advantages of making the switch to concrete tiles.

The Sad Reality of Terracotta Tile and Saltillo Tile

Terracotta tile and Saltillo tile are among the oldest tile materials used in homes. Both are types of ceramic. As the years go by, they will begin to look uneven and require upkeep and replacement tiles. They also get cracked, chipped, and lose the vibrancy of color they had during the original installment.


Saltillo tile, in particular, can be tricky to install because you need the right amount of adhesive and spacing, individualized for each tile. It’s time-consuming and painstaking. High-quality cement tiles avoid these tedious and inconvenient issues.

Cement vs. Ceramic Tiles: What You Should Know

Ceramic tiles look beautiful but lose their brilliance over time. Ceramic is made of clay, and the designs are painted or dyed onto the surface. Dye and paint wear out over time by both light and use. Before firing it in the kiln, the tiles can be finished one of two ways: gloss finishes if they’re glazed, while unglazed will have a matte finish.


Cement tiles have pigment mixed into the slurry along with sand and marble powder. Because we add pigment into the concrete, the color lasts longer than painted ceramic. A dry concrete back is added to the pour of the concrete and is then compressed using 2,000 pounds of pressure. Between the compression and added concrete backing, cement tiles have excellent insulation quality and last forever because of their durability.

Concrete Tile Installation & Maintenance

The uniform size and shape of concrete tiles make installation easier. Unlike their ceramic brothers, the molds in which they are made, and the curing process allow them to retain an even shape. When installed, they need to be cleaned using fine 600-grit sandpaper, then sealed with a penetrating sealant and buffed with a smooth, clean pad. The sealing process permanently bonds with the concrete to provide longer protection.

Concrete tiles make your life easy. Because of the sealant, the cleaning process only requires a little wash. Clean your tiles with pH-neutral soap and water. You may use many cleaners for this purpose, including Oxy-Klenza, Eff-Erayza, Rejuvenat Spray or Dry-Treat Rejuvenata Active. These same cleaners will clean the grout as well.


The Benefits of Concrete Tile

When properly installed and maintained, your cement tiles will last forever. They withstand heavy traffic whether used for a wall, backsplash, countertop, or footpath. Their color will never fade because it’s poured into the tile design. Structurally, cement tiles are a huge benefit to your home because they are insulated, as well. 

Granada Tile offers a large variety of customizable tiles. Because the concrete gets mixed with the pigment before pouring, you have the freedom to make the exact design your home needs. To learn more, contact Granada Tile at 213-788-4238 or visit GranadaTile.com today!


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