Fabrique Publique

Recyling Ceramics

We’ve covered a lot of repurposed waste here – from shells to slag, paper to plastic, and from tea to pee, and today we add another to that list -ceramics. Though it may seem like an obvious step in eco design, repurposing waste from ceramic production isn’t straight forward, mainly due to the complications various glazes pose.

[mepr-show rules=”23028″ unauth=”message”]Since 2017 Hanneke de Leeuw of Fabrique Publique has been researching the promise and possibilities of discarded ceramics, imagining a new home for each broken mug, plate, or vase. The Remake Ceramics tableware ‘Future History’ gave us a glimpse at what this new home could be.

In a small collection of sharing platters de Leeuw demonstrates the variety and imperfection inherent in working with waste, as well as showcasing the beauty and detail that comes naturally to items created with care.

The irregularly speckled look comes from the 5-10% recycled content, and there are plans to stretch that percentage even more whilst maintaining function and aesthetics. The tableware has been on show during Salone del Mobile at Ventura Future, at Le Off, during Paris Design Week and will be present at the Dutch Design Lounge during BiΓ«nnale Interieur in Kortrijk (B).

Hanneke de Leeuw/Fabrique Publique

A new post by Hanna Simpson, Diary of a Tile Addict, November 2021.[/mepr-show]

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