Editors note: In this blog, architect Stephen B. Chambers of Dallas, TX, offers his insight on the use of stone in architecture at sites around the world. In this installment, he discusses the historic stone walls that have been an architectural icon throughout New England. Photos by Stephanie Chambers.

New England Stone Walls, An American Stonehenge

Wall-making and mending is an ancient and necessary activity, forming the very foundation of culture and society. Walls are as vigorously formative of civilization as are its laws. Wall-mending and maintenance can serve as the metaphor for justice.  While barriers define, they also encourage personal freedom and productivity by allowing boundaries within which individuals, families, and businesses may conduct their creative efforts and industry. In making a wall, the builder needs to know what he is "walling in and walling out;" is he a maker or a breaker of margins and limits?

Read more: http://chambersarchitects.com/blog/13-historical-design/124-new-england-stone-walls-an-american-stonehenge.html