Tile Is A Trend Lonny Editors Want To Stick Around


As 2017 slides into 2018 and the trend forecasting begins — what’s in, what’s out, what to keep, what to throw away — we were excited to see that tile remains high on the list of trends that Lonny editors want to stick around

“I can’t even tell you the number of times this year I have scrolled through images of a home, stopped, and said out loud, ‘Oh my god, that tile.’ From beautifully painted original designs to cool directional patterns, tile has won a near and dear place in my heart that isn’t going away any time soon.”

— Shelby Wax, Associate Editor

Of course, knowing the long history and incredible durability of cement tiles — for proof, just look to the beautiful outdoor plazas and the colorful interiors of South America, North Africa and Europe. Their encaustic tile surfaces have been proven the long-lasting appeal — and we’re confident that concrete tiles are not just a trend but a classic that will stick around for years and years to come, bringing beauty to your indoor and your outdoor spaces. Trends may come and go but we think cement tile is forever. Try it! We’re sure you’ll fall in love before the grout even dries. Need help deciding which one of our over 400 patterns and over 40 colors is right for your project? Call us! We’d love to help!


  1. I have been searching for the shower configuration shown in the photo for this article. Would it be possible to find out the name of the manufacturer. Thank you ever so much as I have been told this does not exist!!!

    • Hi Noramae,
      We love that tub and elegant plumbing too! I have tried to find the source of the tub and the plumbing, but to no avail. We were responsible for the black and white cement tiles on the floor and wall. Good luck!


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