Lorin Provides Anodized Aluminum for Isaiah Industries

Lorin Industries, Inc., the global industry leader in the innovation and production of coil anodized aluminum, is collaborating with Isaiah Industries, a leading manufacturer and distributor of roofing products, to provide anodized aluminum for Isaiah Industries’ roofing panels. This partnership brings together both companies’ decades of experience in their respective industries, combining Lorin’s expertise in anodized coil aluminum with Isaiah Industries’ deep experience in roofing and other sectors.

Lorin’s anodized aluminum’s unique look and durability as well as Lorin’s expertise as an industry leader attracted Isaiah industries to the partnership. Lorin’s coil anodizing process builds an anodic layer from the aluminum, bonding it to the surface at the molecular level, thus protecting the aluminum from the elements. The anodized aluminum will not chip, flake, peel, or corrode and also resists scratching. With a Mohs Hardness score comparable to sapphire, and corrosion resistance that leaves the metal unaffected by salt and air, coil anodized aluminum provides durable beauty that cuts maintenance costs while providing added environmental benefits.

Additionally, Lorin’s coil anodized aluminum can be made in numerous colors, providing a wide variety for Isaiah Industries. For example, for exterior use, Lorin can match most any natural metal look, including shades of zinc, steel, titanium, copper, gold, brass, bronze, and natural aluminum by using inorganic dyes or metal fines added into the pores of the protective anodic outer layer.

Through Lorin’s collaboration with Isaiah Industries, Lorin’s product serves Isaiah Industries’ core values concerning collaboration and environmental and sustainable consciousness. Isaiah Industries seeks to maximize relationships with other organizations and further ecologically sound operations and products. Lorin’s coil anodized aluminum products are defined by their sustainability and durability. Aluminum is abundant and 100% recyclable, and Lorin’s coil anodizing process does not include volatile organic compounds.

Isaiah Industries serves markets ranging from architectural services to HOA’s and ARB’s, as well as contractors, places of worship, single family homes, roofing accessories, and even very small ‘tiny homes’. The collaboration between Isaiah Industries and Lorin empowers Isaiah to bring the beauty, sustainability, and durability of Lorin’s coil anodized aluminum to serve these diverse market segments.

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