Peab Builds New Combustion Plant in Finnsnes

Peab has been commissioned to build a new combustion plant in Norwegian Finnsnes. The customer is Senja Avfall and the contract is worth NOK 118 million.

Illustration: Trollvegg Arkitektstudio

The new combustion plant will be located next to existing plants that will continue to operate during the entire construction period. It will be made of concrete and contain a six story administration wing, a building for waste and one for processing. Senja Avfall will use the new plant to generate locally produced energy in the form of thermal and electrical power. All waste aimed for incineration will be handled locally, without transporting it long distances.

“We’re proud to be able to contribute to more efficient energy production and help Senja Avfall take an even more active role in the green transition. As a local community builder we’re very interested in working on an industrial project of this size. We look forward to finding good, sustainable solutions together with our customer that will provide environmental advantages to Northern Norway,” says Gro Skaar Knutsen, Region Manager Peab in Norway.

“The new combustion plant will meet future needs for local heating. It will also produce considerably more energy in the form of electricity than we currently deliver, and at the same time conserve electrical power and reduce fossil energy,” says Tor-Helge Sørensen, MD Senja Avfall.

Construction will begin in November 2022 and the project is expected to be completed in May 2024.

The project will be order registered in the fourth quarter 2022.

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