July, 2014

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Six favorite kitchen and bath design trends

JG Kitchens

'It’s hard to believe I’ve been publishing this blog for six years! Throughout the month of July — Gold Notes‘ anniversary month — I’ll be sharing a series of six “favorites” posts, just as I’ve done for previous years. This week, I’m going to focus on my six favorite kitchen and bath design trends. These are not about the color of the year, but about meaningful developments in the industry that enhance clients’ homes.

Bath 185
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Create zones in open plan living areas

The London Tile Co.

'Open plan living areas are an ever-increasing trend, and one that we love, but sometimes it can feel like you spend all of your time in one room. Our solution is to create separate zones or areas using clever layouts of floor tiles. This will give you the opportunity to create a cozy living room, a practical eating area and a sleek kitchen all within one space.

Wet Room 178

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Call for Entries: 13th Tile of Spain Awards of Architecture and Design

Tile of Spain USA

'Tile of Spain, the international brand representing 125 ceramic tile manufacturers belonging to the Spanish Ceramic Tile Manufacturers’ Association (ASCER), is proud to announce an open call for the 13th Tile of Spain Awards of Architecture and Interior Design competition. The awards honor international excellence in projects with Spanish ceramic tile in three categories: Architecture, Interior Design and Degree Project in Architecture.

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Porcelain Tile vs. Ceramic Tile

Tile Talk

'By Bill Buyok , Avente Tile. Since launching our new line of Porcelain Pool Tile earlier this month, we''ve been getting a lot of questions about what makes porcelain tile better than ceramic tile. More commonly, the question is simply, "What is the difference between porcelain and ceramic tile?" It’s a question I gladly welcome and one that is fairly easy to answer.

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Modern Tradition: The New Farmhouse Sink

Kitchens for Living

'I have been away a little longer that usual but I have not forgotten my dear blog reader peeps. Let’s just say I suddenly find myself as busy as a dishwasher on Thanksgiving! Speaking of cleaning, I thought I’d show you some kitchen sink loveliness today. A true “farmhouse sink” would have looked something like this big tubby thing. Photo credit www.kitchentoday.net.

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Tile Installation Formulas for Floors and Walls

Tile Excellence

'Tile Installation Formulas [for installing tile flooring and tile walls) How to Figure Out Square Footage How to Know How Much Tile to Purchase (once you have sq. ft.) How to Figure Out How Much Thin-set and Grout [setting materials] You''ll Need How to Know How Much Hardi Board or Durock to order Unknowingly experienced tile installers use formulas every day.Through experience we just automatically figure in our thinking of jobs using unnoticed formulas every day.It just dawned on me the other

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Strut Your Stuff

Kate-Lo Tile & Stone

'Kate-Lo Tile & Stone wants to show you off! Our customers are awesome. We’d like to applaud our partners great work by featuring your projects. Send us your photos of completed tile projects using Kate-Lo material and if selected for our print newsletter, we will send you a $50 gift card to Target. All projects submitted will be featured on our blog and other social media sites including our monthly digital review.

Stone 113

More Trending

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Tile of Spain to present CEU on Green Sports Facilities and 2014 Spain Experience

Tile of Spain USA

'Tile of Spain will present a special CEU at the Spain Experience Event organized by ICEX and LFP World Challenge on Sunday July 27th in San Francisco, CA. The 2014 Spain Experience event will feature a product showcase and exhibits featuring innovative Spanish companies, such as Ceramicas Calaf , Levantina and The Size. . Architects and designers in the San Francisco area will be interested in the ‘Building Green Sports Facilities’ CEU seminar presented by Ryan Fasan, Tile of Spain

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Identify Cement Tile Grout Haze and Remove It

Tile Talk

'By Bill Buyok , Avente Tile. One of the greatest joys about blogging and my love of tile is sharing fabulous installations using cement tile like this one featured in House and Home. The cement tile installation uses a Geometric Moroccan Circle pattern in soothing green. Cement Tile in a Geometric Moroccan circle pattern. Image via House and Home. I also enjoy educating people about cement tile and making sure they know the differences between cement tile and it more ubiquitous cousin, ceramic

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What a Difference Grout Can Make!

As The Tile Turns

'We recently received this great tool from the experts at Artistic Tile showing the prominent effect of grout color in a mosaic application. As designers push the boundaries of mosaic design, grout can often become more visible thus altering the appearance of such mosaics. Below are three examples, each of the same mosaic colorway with varied grout colors.

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10 Ways to Add Japanese Style to Your Interior Design

Freshome Design & Architecture Magazine

'This is a gorgeous Japanese-inspired bedroom. Image Source: WB Homes. One word sums it up : Zen. Yes, peaceful simplicity surrounds the modest designs of Japanese culture. Thousands of years steeped in tradition have influenced Japan’s architecture and interior design aesthetic, resulting in a serene and very cultural interior design. Japanese style evolves around clean and uncluttered living, holding tightly to balance, order, ancient customs and a love for natural beauty.

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Architectura from Negev

Kate-Lo Tile & Stone

'Architectura is a subtle replica of natural limestone in soft earth-toned shades and a matte finish. This colored base porcelain is excellent for residential and most commercial applications, both traditional and contemporary. Available special order, 2 – 3 weeks in a 12″x24″ format.

Porcelain 151
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London Tile’s Guide To Tile Patterns

The London Tile Co.

'You’ve chosen the type and colour tile you want, but do you know what pattern you will lay the tiles in? Depending on the shape and style of your tiles , there are so many different designs possible, and each gives a completely different look to a room. We’re going to take you through some of the most popular choices to help you decide.

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Tile of Spain CEU Event in San Francisco is a Success!

Tile of Spain USA

'Tile of Spain recently presented a CEU on Building Green Sports Facilities. Roughly 60 architects from the San Francisco area were in attendence. The seminar was presented by Ryan Fasan, Tile of Spain Consultant with guest speaker Mark Fenwick, Fenwick Iribarren Architects, Madrid, Spain, World Renowned Sports Facilities Architect. The Spain Experience event featured a product showcase and exhibits from innovative Spanish ceramic tile companies, such as Ceramicas Calaf, Levantina, The Size and

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A Book Recommendation for California Tile

Tile Talk

'By Bill Buyok , Avente Tile. Have you ever learned the meaning of word and then a few days later you read the word in a magazine, then someone mentions the word at a party, and shortly thereafter you see it repeatedly? I had a similar experience with someone I just recently met and want to share some of the great things I’ve already experienced from this relationship.

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Tile Excellence and SEO Powered Websites Thank Our Readers for Their Patience!

Tile Excellence

'Hi Everyone, I want to thank you all again for your patience during this transitional time. In case you aren''t sure what that means, it means that Tile Excellence, the local tile installation company owned by Chris Lawson (ask chris) out of Gloucester, MA will continue sharing his blog, "ask chris", but as originally planned, we have been gathering the names and requests of other tile contractors (installers, artists, international tile companies, etc.) in order to hear their viewpoints and ex

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10 Rustic Kitchen Designs That Embody Country Life

Freshome Design & Architecture Magazine

'This white-washed rustic kitchen embodies laid-back country life. Image Source: A Edwards. You’re standing in your cozy rustic kitchen admiring the warm glow that only aged wood cabinets and a natural fireplace can emit, and the smell of pine trees surrounds your senses. You drop into your favorite plaid-covered chair, resting your stocking feet close to the open flame of the wood-burning stove — just close enough to warm your cold toes.

Kitchen 112
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Tile in Restaurants

The Perfect Bath

'I think we are all restaurant critics at heart. Food is not the only factor in whether we return to dine again. The overall dining experience, including design, comfort, ambience and quality of the service, is part of the consideration. As a tile aficionado, I have recently had my eye on restaurants with tiled interiors. I love a space where ceramic tile clearly adds to the overall texture of the environment.

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How To Remove And Replace A Broken Tile

The London Tile Co.

'A cracked or chipped tile can be a blemish on the look of a tiled wall or floor that you just can’t hide. The thought of removing the tiles and starting again might be daunting, but it is not the only option. You can carefully remove and replace a single tile without affecting the surrounding tiles. We’ve put together a handy step-by-step guide on removing and replacing a single damaged tile.

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Guest post: Great choice! Tile for the Terrace

Tile of Spain USA

'This guest post comes from Vicki Payne, host of the national television show For Your Home. Payne recently used Tile of Spain manufacturer Roca Tile in her own home renovation. It’s a great feeling to know that you’ve made the right choice when it comes to selecting materials for your remodeling project. During the recent renovation of my home I had lots of decisions to make.

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Malibu Field Tiles for Enhancing Your Space

Tile Talk

'By Arpi Nalbandian , Tileometry. Spanish Santa Barbara Style tiled fountain with handmade patterned and solid-colored field tiles. Image via Pinterest. Summer is now in full-swing with vacations, short getaways, daily outings, and entertaining outdoors with friends and family members alike. If you''re like us, you love to hear the chatter and laughter of a house full of people, especially when a day time gathering spills over into the evening.

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Tile Installation-Tile Repair-Tile Experts: Tile Excellence & More: Tile Installation and Repair Glossary from Tile Ex.

Tile Excellence

'Tile Installation-Tile Repair-Tile Experts: Tile Excellence & More: Tile Installation and Repair Glossary from Tile Ex. : Tile Installation and Tile Repair Glossary Used on Tile Excellence DIY Blog Acrylic A general class of resinous polymers derived. Hi,Chris Owner of Tile Excellence, Gloucester, MABlogger on "ask chris"Diana SmithSEO Powered Websites & Marketing for BusinessMember of the Making a Difference NetworkContent Writer and Google Author Please comment on this "ask chris"post

Tile 113
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30 Modern Living Room Design Ideas to Upgrade Your Quality of Lifestyle

Freshome Design & Architecture Magazine

'Your living room is where the social part of the home life takes place, a space designed to be used as you decide: entertaining, spending time with family, skateboarding, watching TV, or waiting for Santa Claus while enjoying the jolly fireplace entertaining system. The following examples will help you create your own version of the ultimate living room.

Design 112
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Gray is the New Beige. And the New Black. And the New White, too.


'Google “gray” and “design trends” and you will find that gray is the new everything. Black, beige and white are what you call foundational colors. If gray is being touted as the the new beige, white and black, then suffice it to say, gray is super foundational. It is truly an exceptional color to design with–and for good reasons.

Colors 69
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Designing Homes with Pets in Mind

Burgin Construction

'Maison de Reve Builders LLC. Over the years, Burgin Construction Inc. has seen home designing getting more and more personal as home owners are choosing to remodel their homes to suit their specific lifestyle and needs. Home owners are thinking about the longevity and functionality of their home design and how it relates to their family and making changes to their home to specifically accommodate their lifestyle.

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Design in a Day

Life of an Architect

'I have known architect Douglas Burke for a few years … although we have never met. Doug and I have formed a professional architect-to-architect relationship since I started writing my blog and we have routinely exchanged emails over the years discussing a myriad of subjects. I have asked him to guest write on my site several times without success, but I finally had a topic that suited him … Schematic Design and “Design in a Day” Douglas Burke (aka: architectrunnerguy) Li

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Avente Tile's Cement Tile Buying Guide: The Source for Finding Cement Tile That's Right for You

Tile Talk

'By Arpi Nalbandian , Tileometry. Avente Tile''s Guide to Buying Handmade Cement Tile. Handmade cement tile has to be one of the most beautiful types of tile available for transforming a space into a personal expression of pattern, style and design. However, since it is a handmade product, figuring out what makes a high quality and durable cement tile isn''t immediately obvious.

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Tile Soap Box Installation by Intern at Tile Excellence

Tile Excellence

'https://m.facebook.com/profile.php?v=timeline&filter=2&id=110473675672413 Please comment on this "ask chris"post or comment. Thank you!

Boston 113
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10 Affordable Ways to Make Your Home Look Like A Luxury Hotel

Freshome Design & Architecture Magazine

'Creating a luxury hotel-style in your home creates the ultimate stay-cation. Image Source: Michael Abrams. After a long day of playing tourist, your body is met by those sumptuous Egyptian cotton sheets and fluffy pillows that leave you wondering if the hotel staff would notice if you slipped one in your luggage. In the morning, you awake from a decadent sleep and pad your feet along the lush, thick-pile carpet into the spa bathroom.

Marble 112
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The Benefits of New Roofing :: GAF Roofing’s Website Makes It Easy Like a Click of the Heels

Building Moxie

'This post contains a paid endorsement of GAF, but the opinions expressed are my own. ~jb * So … last week was National Roofing Week , and ironic, but it seems roofing for months has been a pretty consistent topic of conversation for me. Must be something about Spring/Summer. And I guess I am ultra-sensitive to these topics, but I have actually caught myself listening to the frequent radio spots in drive-time.

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Backsplash or Kitchen Jewelry?

H.Winter Showroom Blog

'Statement pieces are all the rage. A statement piece of jewelry can complete your outfit, jazzing up even the simplest ensemble. Colorful pillows and decorative accents add pops of color in an otherwise monotone room. So you''re dressed to the nines and your living room is warm and inviting, but aren''t we forgetting about something? Maybe, the room that''s referred to as the heart of the home.

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Life of an Architect

'Leadership is one of those words that people throw around a lot but I’m not sure most people stop to actually think about what it means. Maybe it’s just me … my initial response if you were to ask me to define “leadership” might have simply been “the person who is in charge” While technically accurate, it doesn’t really get to the heart of the what it means to “be” a leader and be part of leadership.

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And They’re Off! Villa Lagoon Tile at Hong Kong Jockey Club

Cement Style

'The historical Hong Kong Jockey Club chose Villa Lagoon Tile for the recently opened Hay Market Restaurant. Both tables and floors in several parts of this large open-plan restaurant have our custom encaustic cement tiles. The Hong Kong Jockey Club founded in 1884 provides dining, social, sport and recreation facilities to its approximately 23,000 members.

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Women in Stone Connection Conference Planned for StoneExpo East


'The Marble Institute of America (MIA) has announced plans for a Women in Stone Connection Conference to be held in conjunction with TISE East (The International Surface Event East/StonExpo/Marmomacc Americas/Tile Expo) in Miami, FL on Sunday, October 19, 2014. The program features dynamic speakers including Lisbeth Calandrino, Toby Morrison, Dave Mitchell, and a panel discussion of key women in our industry.

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Frank Lloyd Wright-Inspired Lake House Design Boasting Unique Rounded Spaces

Freshome Design & Architecture Magazine

'Inspired by Frank Lloyd Wright’s never built design for the Ralph Jester House, this stunning residence was transformed into a dream home by Mary Anne Smiley Interiors. Spreading over 11,040 square feet, the undulating architecture of this classic home proves to be the perfect background for a modern lifestyle inspired by one of the world’s most influential architects.

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Adam Silverman interviews Akio Nukaga

Heath Ceramics

'The relationship between Heath Ceramics and Akio Nukaga was forged by Adam Silverman, Heath’s LA Studio Director, who introduced Akio’s work to the US. Since then, the relationship’s become a synergistic one, where inspiration flows both ways. Listen in on a conversation between the two friends … and see Akio’s latest work at the July 11 Opening Reception for Akio Nukaga and Friends at Heath San Francisco.

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Truly Unique – Marble Countertops

Burgin Construction

'Marble is a classic and visually striking choice for countertops. Marble is a natural stone found in mountainous regions of North America, South America, Asia, and Europe. Marble has a crystalline nature that provides for the ability to be polished and has veins of mineral deposits that pattern it. Because this is a natural material, each piece is unique- no two slabs exactly alike.

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